
Showing posts from October 23, 2010

Allahabad Bank - TARGET HIT

ALBK (251) - Postional call given on 14th march 2010 at 144 with a target of 250. Last week it attained the target when it made a high of 255. ie. it gave 74% return in 7 months time.

Canara Bank - TARGET HIT

CANBK (732) - Positional call given on 05th Dec. 2009 at 422 with a target of 706. Last week it attained the target when it made a high of 739. ie. it gave 67% return in 10 months time.


MERCK (831 xd Rs.95) - Positional call given on 25th nov. 2009 at 640 and first target for that 940 last week it attained the target when it made a high of 1008. and second target of 1650 still intact if it above 940. Till date it gave 47% return in 11 months time.

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals - TARGET HIT

GLAXO (2348) - Positional call given on 14 oct 2009 at 1555 and target for that 2404. Last week it attained the target ie., 54% return in one year . in our view, it is not good return, even though not bad.