
Showing posts from March 22, 2016

Current Up move review

O n 29th Feb.,  NIFTY made low 6825.80 and yesterday it made high 7713.55 that is 13 % rise from the low.  In the same period, the following stocks are moved up in double digit : If your stocks are not  in the below list, either your stock is strongest one or weakest one among the listed stocks. *** In % up moved order :  DWARKESH 86.67% UPL 17.62% PARRYSUGAR 81.32% EXCELINDUS 17.52% THIRUSUGAR 80.58% DONEAR 17.52% RAJSREESUG 74.47% HEG 17.52% RAMKY 73.42% TATAMTRDVR 17.42% SASKEN 71.25% BROOKS 17.36% USHAMART 68.35% AXISCADES 17.33% DHARSUGAR 66.45% UGARSUGAR 17.32% OUDHSUG 65.26% TECHM 17.32% KESARENT 60.19% PUNJABCHEM 17.29% DALMIASUG 60.13% SAKSOFT 17.28% MUKTAARTS 54.32% ALANKIT 17.28% UPERGANGES 53.91% JUSTDI