
Showing posts from June 23, 2011
NF (5283) - All levels remain same : Hurdle 5340-5360 Support 5260-5240  and afterwards 5175 -5155 But below that take it down to 5070- 5050 In case trade above 5340-5360 move upto 5445-5465

BGR Energy Systems

BGRENERGY (440) - Posted on 10th May "down target 435-430"  yesterday it made a low 438 now if not take support the mentioned level then down move continue to 395-390

JSW Steel

JSWSTEEL (838) -  Hurdle 860  If  trade and stays below 820 take it down to 750_730 

Tata Chemicals

TATACHEM (351) - If trade and stays below 343 down target 303 minor support at 331-327

Tata Coffee

TATACOFFEE (748) - As posted on 15th Mar and  28th Mar. it topped out at 1027 and came down to mentioned down target 769 and for that it pulled back to 884 and now closed below the down target. Now what next ? Below 780-770 down move continue and going to attack in down side 654 in between support at 707.