NF (4941) - All remain same : Hurdle 4955-4975 but above that go up to 5050-5070 Last two days made same low at 4900, so trade and stays below that Ultimate target in down side 4690-4670 intraday support exists at 4820-4800 In Short, Levels are : 5070-5050 < 4955-4975 > 4900 >> 4820-4800 >>> 4690-4670
Showing posts from September 14, 2011
Bata India
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BATAINDIA (667) - Already indicated on 29th aug. about its topped out pattern at 741.yesterday it came down to 662 after some zigzac around 680-700 for the last three days. now the down target 652-642 and trade and close below that ultimate down target in this round is 560-550 in between stop may be at 615-610