
Showing posts from June 21, 2011
NF (5265) - Hurdle 5340-5360 Support 5240 and afterwards  5175-5155 But below that take it down to 5070-5050 In case trade above 5340-5360 move upto 5445-5465
All recently mentioned down targets are attacked yesterday panic fall which includes : RAYMOND , TCS, ED UCOMP, CENTURYTEX,PANTALOON, TATAMOTORS, BHUSHANSTEL etc., Because of panic it happended in a single day instead of few days that's all.

Shriram Transport Finance Company

SRTRANSFIN (607) - Last hope and support 610-590 Trade and stays below that once again big fall going to start for that ultimate downtarget 430 in between support 530-520

Aanjaneya Lifecare

AANJANEYA (377) - Trade and stays above 384 going to attack 454 (simply post IPO operation, nothing else) It may happen today or coming days.