NF (5427) - Hurdle 5465-5475 below that, down target 5307 & 5265 in between support exists at 5360 In case trade above 5475 go upto 5525-5535 & 5585-5605
ORCHIDCHEM (295) - Posted on 12th may "Face strong hurdle 321-325" as posted it hurdled at 321 not one but two days on 16th may and 17th may and yesterday vertical fall happended and made a low 288 now what next ? now trade below 285 come down to 272 and ultimate 263
HINDUNILVR (309) - Already posted on 11th may above 293 upside target 320 already it made high 312 Now if trade above 312 then going to attack the mentioned target of 320 otherewise this is the top out
COALINDIA (374) - As posted on 07th April above 371-373, day before yesterday it exactly attacked the mentioned resistance level of 401 and from there, yesterday it corrected to 370 also. now what next ? Now if break 370 then next support exists at 360
CENTURYTEX (311) - Already posted on 06th may itself "last hope and strong support 323-319"when the last hope broken, no need to say the down trend. it already came down to 310 Now 319-323 hurdle below that expect 303-300 but if not take support here then fall continue to 280
CANBK (523) - Posted on 03rd May "Below 590 down target 520_510" as posted it broken 590 on 03r may itself and yesterday it attacked the mentioned down target when it made a low of 518. what next ? Last hope 505 but trade and close below that, then fall continue to 465.