1000 Stocks DOWN since 29th Jan 2018
NIFTY 50 - So far, highest high 11172 on 29th Jan 2018. As of now at 10596, that means down by 5 % from the peak. Whereas 1000 stocks down by around 10 % and below since Jan 2018. STOCKS IN % WISE STOCK IN NAME WISE GITANJALI -92.98% 20MICRONS -26.19% VAKRANGEE -89.80% 63MOONS -32.55% TALWALKARS -84.59% 8KMILES -25.77% BRFL -77.68% A2ZINFRA -45.45% KSK -72.14% AARTIDRUGS -19.26% OMKARCHEM -71.68% AARVEEDEN -21.11% VIJIFIN -71.04% ABAN -30.69% PCJEWELLER -70.80% ABB -27.06% SUPREMEINF -70.60% ABCAPITAL -16.41% RNAVAL -68.83% ABFRL -13.04% SHILPI -66.82% ACC -20.90% BLUEBLENDS -65.40% ACCELYA -17.15% PBAINFRA -65.25% ADANIENT -42.29% TFL -64.23% ADANIPORTS...