RELCAPITAL (575) - Posted on 07th July "Hurdle 605-615 and down target 560-550" after this post it attacked 605 not one day but two days and from there fall started and yesterday came down to 570. now the down target 560-550 intact but below that last hope 538
RELINFRA (563) - As posted on 05th July it broke the hurdle 585-590 but unable to move beyond 601 and from there fall started and broke 585 also, yesterday made a low 560. now hurdle remain same 585-590 down side target 543-540 Last hope and support remain same 526-520
TIMKEN (253) - Support 245 and trade above 260 upmove continue to 279-283 Positional holding target 367 intact (it was mentioned here on 17th Oct 2010)