
Showing posts from September 12, 2011
NF (5043) - Hurdle 5050-5070 &  5130-5150 and  optimum top out level 5212-5228 Support 4975-4955 & 4935-4915 If trade an stays Below 4915, this round ultimate target in downside 4690-4670

Jubilant Organosys

JUBLIANT (223) - Now Face hurdle between 240_250 But above that upmove continue to 286-290

JSW Steel

JSWSTEEL (688) - Posted on 24th Aug. "upside target 740-750" as expected it went upto 746 on 07th Sep. and from there upto last friday, it fell down to 681. now what next ? below 675 once again come down to 650-640 and afterwards 590

Jindal Steel & Power

JINDALSTEL (540) - As posted on 08th Sep. Resistance 568-570 From there, already it came down to 536 now support 520-510 Below that take it down to 464-451