V2RETAIL - from 85 to 360, that too, in a year.

V2RETAIL (as of now at 340) -
As for as this stock concerned,
the first & formidable entry EDGE was 85--90
and the meaningful target 360--380
When it was at 95 on 27th Aug.2016 sent an email and said as,
support 90--85
(after this email, almost 14 days hovering around 90--85 between 29th Aug. 2016 to 16th Sept. 2016)
SAID TARGET 360--380
today made high 361.90 and now at 340+
so from 85 to 362 that means 325 %, absolute return, that too, with in a year.
Because of one-year holding, now it will be going to be eligible for Long Term 0% Capital Gain tax also.
The first email was sent on 27th August 2016
below is the content
and the follow-up email was sent on 10th October 2016
below is the content
Can see in the below picture,
How it behaved in the last one year
EDGE is always important not only for entry but keeping the profitable positions for a longer period.
V2RETAIL is just one more example.
Holding the profitable position with patience and conviction is the key to take the full cream of any big move in any stock.
Holding a very long period in the losing stock is not at all a matter,
but holding the profitable positions is.